Our first national association of realtors meeting has succesfully held on June 9th in Ulaanbaatar.This time of meeting we had exchange our knowledge about real estate direction and its future.
Манай үл хөдлөх хөрөнгө зуучлалын төв нь 2008 оны 8-р сарын 28-нд анх байгуулагдсан. УБ хотын бүх дүүрэг, хөдөө орон нутагт идэвхтэй үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байна.
Property Relations in Mongolia Ulaanbaatar
Nomadic pastoralists of Mongolia have rarely encountered problems with mobility, but their urban dwelling counterparts in Ulaanbaatar were far more heavily restricted in their movements during the socialist period. Throughout the socialist era apartments in the city were distributed based on a complex system that took into account employment, performance, number of awards and existing living conditions, among other factors. Households were not able to move freely from one apartment to another as they are under the market system. Nevertheless, during this time tenants were entitled to hereditary, indefinite rights of occupancy. Rents were also extremely low and eviction was all but impossible to enact. Any kind of buying or selling of land and built property was utterly forbidden before the end of the socialist period, with one notable exception; housing cooperatives operating in Mongolia were allowed to pool funds to build or purchase apartments. These cooperatives would receive what was known as “cooperative tenure” for a building. This was, in effect, a joint title and entitled them to lease or sell apartments in a context where private sales and rentals were illegal.